Here is a cake I made for my family on the day of green. To make the rainbow you just bake a small 4" round cake. Cut it in half and the carve out the middle. Then stand it up. It is very easy and the kids go wild.
Chocolate chip cookies a delicious but, when you add butter cream icing they are divine. I baked this cookie for my hubby on Valentines Day. I truly have a GREAT husband.
St. Patrick's Day is a fun day. I love the color green. This is a cake for Daphy's class . I did the stand up rainbow especially for the kids. Her teacher said the kids loved it.
I have a wonderful mother in law. She always helps me with my kids and I can always count on her. For her birthday I made this cake. It has homemade chocolate butter cream icing on it. FYI: the homemade butter cream icing is better if you use semi sweet chocolate chips instead of cocoa alone.
Daphne's teacher asked me to make a turkey cake for their Thanksgiving Feast. I did a stand up turkey because I thought the kids would like it. Daphy is autistic as well as some of the children in her class and they love to look at the cakes.
This is a cake I made for my step daughter Haleigh. She rides horses so I did a horse cake. I have my wonderful husband to thank for the opportunity to make her a cake.
My niece Lexy wanted a castle cake for her birthday. I made her this cake. The towers are ice cream cones with waffle cones on top. Covering the cones with icing shingles took the longest time.
On this cake I was trying to make Daphy a Jojo's Circus cake. It kinda looked more like an Easter egg than a circus tent but Daphy thought it was great.
Bubba loves any kind of large equipment so, I made him a front end loader cake for his party. He was sooo excited about the cake. It was a lot of work and I hated cutting it.
This is my niece Lexy with her pumpkin cake. I helped her with some of the icing but, the rest she did herself. She is such a prissy thing that I call her Girly.
For Halloween I ended up making three cakes. Calvin wanted one for class as well as Daphne. Then my niece Lexy wanted to make one. This was Calvin's pumpkin.
This was a Hawaiian themed wedding cake. It was cool whip icing which is not usually a good idea in the summer time. Not outside anyway. It did turn out very beautifully.
I love to make brownies and put butter cream icing on them. I made the "Congradulations" cake for a friend that got married. The other was for Labor Day.
This cake I made for my husband Michael. He went to Texas for two weeks to work. When he came home I had a huge dinner and this cake for him. We really missed him.
My daughter Daphne was really into Barney for a while. I found a preformed pan and made her this cake. FYI: it is easier to buy ready made black icing than to try and mix it your self.
My son Calvin loves the Hulk and I wanted to make him a special cake for his birthday. This was it, the tank is cake too. The Hulk on the cake is a toy.
At the begining of the school year I made this cake to welcome back our lunch ladies. We really appreciate them. Plus my mother in law is a lunch lady.
My sister in law Shelly asked me to make this cake for her best friends birthday. I really owe Shelly a debt of gratitude, she has asked me to make a lot of cakes. Without her I wouldn't be getting good at this.
I had a lot of fun with this cake. The stand up tree was great and the snow is coconut. I also made the children who were in the recitle ice cream cone cup cakes with thier names on them.
My son Calvin plays the piano and every year I make a cake for his recital. I try to surprise Mrs.Teresa and make an awesome cake. This is my favorite piano recital cake.
I fill in every now and again at Dr. Hyler's office. I made this cake for him on his birthday. I was a little upset that my big bumpy truck messed up the letters on the cake.
My mom got married and she wanted a simple cake. I decided to surprise her with this heart cake. This was my first wedding cake and I was a little lost so Kathy (mom's mother in law)helped me with the cake.
Brownies with butter cream icing are delicious. I made these for my husband Michael. He is wonderful and I try to do something special for him every now and then.
This cake was another of Kacey's birthday cakes. She was into Fairly Odd Parents and Shelly picked up a preformed pan. It was a fun cake to make and the kids loved it.
Lydia is my step daughter's sister. I made her a Sponge Bob cake. It turned out great, especially since I had not watched his show before. I had to look him up on the internet.
Thanks to my sister in law Shelly I was invited to do a bee hive cake for the 50th aniversary at Charles E. Bennett elementary school. The support system for this cake took longer to design than the cake it self.
Happy Birthday to my niece Lexi. This cake was made from a preformed flower pan. The hard part was the out lines and coloring. It turned out very well and Lexi was happy. I made her the doll special because she is so girly.
I did this cake for my niece Kacey's birthday. I made a regular square cake. On top I made a 8" round cake, cut it in half and stood the pieces up side by side. Last I shaped it to look like Herbie.
Just another cake for dinner with the in laws. I have wonderful in laws and we try to have dinner as often as we can. I didn't have a good camera when I tooh this picture but, the cake was delicious!